Recipe Develpment

Unit43 Ingredients

Our recipe experimentation spanned two years and over 200 different recipes with wild and wonderful ingredients, until finally Unit 43 Gin was born. Smooth, balanced and local in its ingredients.

This Juniper forward, smooth and perfectly balanced Gin is worth its weight in “Golds”!  All 16 of them! Copper distilled with 16 fresh ingredients from Grains of Paradise to citrus, finishing with wild handpicked Cape Fynbos from the foothills of Franchoek mountains. Everything is perfectly crafted.

SMELL: Definite Juniper forward notes with bright citrus and lingering fresh Cape Fynbos. A beautifully balanced Gin.   

TASTE: Juniper forward, smooth and perfectly balanced. You can taste the ingredients from Grains of Paradise to citrus, to wild handpicked Cape Fynbos. A perfectly crafted Gin.

FINISH: Robust with a wonderful balance of fynbos and a blend of Juniper and citrus.

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